HBF Health Fit Fan Lea Wright is a huge advocate of the well-known saying, “practice what you preach.” After having a baby last year, Lea decided that she needed to instil a good attitude towards sports and physical activities in little Charlotte from a young age, and there’s no better way than by doing it herself.

“I’ve always been into playing sports,” says Lea. “So after I had Charlotte I knew that was going to be the best way to keep myself motivated and active.” Since starting the HBF Fit Fans competition at the beginning of the footy season, Lea’s been selected for the first team at her hockey club and has been more active than she’s ever been before.

“I train two nights a week, during which I run about three kilometres, and I’ve been running another three before training even starts! Having my 'fitbit' has been a great way to make me realise how many steps I do in training, or at a game – during a game I run around five or six kilometres!”

While the possibility of tickets to the AFL Grand Final is attractive, Lea maintains she’s got another reason to do well in the competition and keep it up once the season is over. “Charlotte is definitely my main incentive! Looking after myself means I’m in a healthier position to look after Charlotte and my household – the more I exercise, the more energy I have to fit everything in that I want to do.”