School psychologist Erin Pratt could never be described as unhealthy. She exercises regularly, eats healthily and lives an active life. However, she was looking for the next challenge – and when HBF Health Fit Fans came along, she just had to go for it!

Erin has already seen positive effects. She’s lost 1.2kg in 2 weeks and feels more motivated when it comes to her exercise sessions – she’s currently managing to fit in 4-5 workouts per week. If she had one weakness, it would be running, but the chance of attending the AFL Grand Final is giving her the boost to continue where previously she might have given up.

The holy grail of 10,000 steps per day is also a big motivator for Erin. She can monitor her activity on her Fitbit at all times, and with a relatively sedentary job she soon realised she hadn’t previously been hitting anywhere near her target. However, now that she can keep track, she can often be found wandering round her house of an evening, trying to reach the 10k mark!

Erin has a few competitive runs in her calendar during the competition, including the HBF Run for a Reason, where she’ll be running the Ramsay Health Care 4km distance. She’s looking forward to challenging herself and wants to build up to do a long distance run before the year is out. In the meantime, she’s excited about representing the Eagles in the AFL 9’s, where she and other HBF Health Fit Fans will be taking part.

Despite living in the country, Erin tries to make it up to as many games as possible – so don’t be too surprised if you see her walking along a highway near you soon, trying to reach the all-important 10,000 steps on her way to a game!