The match is the final official game in the Eagles Schoolboys Cup 2023 competition and was played in sweltering conditions with players braving the heat to put on a show and showcase their skills, with the ACC claiming a 19-point win over the SSWA: ACC – 12.9 (81) def. SSWA 9.8 (62).

Both teams featured some of the most talented players from Year 10-12 from schools across the metropolitan area, with these all-star students being selected by the West Australian Football Commission earlier in the year for their exceptional performances across the Eagles Senior Schoolboys Cup competition.

Elijah Hewett was impressed with the talents on display from both teams and awarded the winning team and players with their awards on the day.

“It was great to come down to the match and see some really talented players who aren’t too much younger than I am, and for them to be able to brave some really warm weather and still compete at such a high level was awesome," said Hewett.

“There’s a reason why these boys were selected as all stars for both teams, from what I’ve heard all these boys performed exceptionally well throughout the Schoolboys Cup competition and they did it again on the big stage today.”

The Inter-Association Boys’ All Stars match puts a wrap on the Eagles Seniors Schoolboys Cup competition for 2023, and the West Coast Eagles look forward to working alongside the WAFC once again in continuing to grow football at the grassroots level with the competition continuing in 2024.