It’s safe to say that we are deep into uncharted territory as a community, and a club, right now. This has to be the single biggest challenge the AFL industry has faced in the modern era.

We will continue to do our best to communicate any updates to you as soon as we are able to; as you are aware from news reports, things are changing from hour to hour at this point.

Like everyone else, we at the club are concerned about how things will progress over the next period and, like everyone else, we don’t have any answers right now. We do know that the club needs to work to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 virus on our players, coaches, staff, members and supporters.

That is why Mineral Resources Park is now closed to the public and we will be asking some staff to work remotely where possible.

This will mean that services will be reduced, by necessity, hopefully only for a short period. We know that many of you are curious about the fall-out from this serious health issue, but please be patient as we work with the AFL to determine the way forward. At this point, we have no idea how long the ‘lockouts’ will continue.

We will be in touch when we all have a better understanding of the situation and we request that you please refrain from contacting the club seeking clarity because, at this stage, we can offer none. Know that we hear you and understand your anxiety and we will advise as soon as we can offer a resolution, but we do not have the answers at this stage.

As you will be, we are all extremely disappointed that the 2020 season is to be affected so dramatically – mostly for you, as your loyal support as a member is what makes our club so successful. Both the AFL and AFLW players will miss your match day support; your absolute commitment to making home venues, especially Optus Stadium, a cauldron of home ground advantage.

However, while we are subject to the government and AFL directive to exclude supporters from attending matches in person, we’re still excited to find ways for you to continue to be part of the action. We’ll be ramping up ways to give you online access to club activities, especially leading into round one. Our social media channels and website are still up and running, and the players are training hard, ready for a strong season.

Our members are renowned for their loyalty and one-eyed support of our club, and we’re asking that you please continue to show the same loyalty, patience and understanding as we navigate this unprecedented period.

The AFL industry and our club will be significantly impacted by current events, but we have an exceptional group of people working at the club, who will continue to work hard to minimise the impacts.

We’ll get through this, I’m certain of that. The West Coast Eagles pride ourselves on our resilience, our commitment to family and friends, and our will to win. You’re part of that family, and we’re proud to have you with us.

Thank you once again, and I will be in contact as soon as more information comes to hand. Until then, as always, look after yourself and those around you.

Kind regards,

Trevor Nisbett

Chief Executive

For up to date information on the COVID-19 virus and health advice, please visit the Australian Federal Government Department of Health page here.