Since 2011, The West Coast Eagles Eagle Insight Program has delivered presentations to more than 25,000 high school students across Western Australia.

This program is designed to educate, inspire and motivate students, whilst supporting teachers to reach educational outcomes.

Presentations are delivered by one of our qualified teachers, and generally run for 45min-1hour.

Teachers can select from our four presentations, which have all been designed to align elements of elite practice to the Western Australian curriculum.

Training for Elite Performance:
Comprehensive overview of the application of sports science principles to elite practice, focusing on training periods, principles of training, components of fitness, nutrition/hydration, injury prevention and rehabilitation. Intensive workshop/s providing a more in-depth investigation into ‘Training Requirements’, ‘Nutrition and Hydration’ or ‘Injury Management and Prevention’.

Explores leadership development at the West Coast Eagles, and provides examples of how students can apply these concepts to be leaders in their own life.

Goal Setting & Resilience:
Identifies the importance, benefits and strategies of setting SMARTER goals, whilst exploring how to overcome adversity and build resilience.

Aimed at secondary aged school students and community clubs but can be catered to specific needs.

For more information please contact:

Hannah Ashe
Manager - Secondary Schools